Kicking Grass and Taking Frames
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Kicking Grass and Taking Frames
ABOUT Garden Bowl 2022

February 26, 2022 | 2pm - 5pm | Uncle Sam Lanes, Troy

Each year, Capital Roots teams up with friends and businesses in the Capital Region for a winter bowling extravaganza. 

In the months leading up to this annual event, bowlers invite donors to sponsor their games. Then they strap on their bowling shoes and compete winning prizes for high scores, highest fundraising, and more! You have a chance to win ski passes, dining certificates and more while you spend the day bowling with friends, family and co-workers. Whether you throw gutter balls or bowl a perfect game, we hope you will join the fun.

** The first 50 people to raise $50 or more will receive a free Garden Bowl t-shirt! **

Report Abuse Edit My Team
Joshua Clark

  Raised: $152.53
  Goal: N/A

Katherine Southwick

  Raised: $103.28
  Goal: $250.00

Megan Healey

  Raised: $0.00
  Goal: $200.00
